Past Events (use drop down arrow to reveal agendas and presentations from the 2021-22 Season onwards)

Global energy scenarios affecting the context and deliverability of UK Net Zero

Matt Brown, Vice President Energy, AFRY

International energy transition stocktake: uncertainties and opportunities ahead 

Julie Scott, Head – Energy Diplomacy, Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office 

Climate Change Committee 2024 Progress Report

Dr. James Richardson, Acting CEO, Climate Change Committee

Improving market conditions for UK low carbon investment: an investor’s perspective on policy priorities

Nick Molho, Head of Climate Policy, AVIVA Investors

Opportunities and challenges to accelerate a sustainable transition; delivering resilience in pursuit of the energy transition; and the role of risk transfer options.

Maryam Adamji, Partner, Energy & Infrastructure, Linklaters

Stuart Cory, UK Sector Lead, Oil & Gas Transition, WSP 

Sophie Burnoud, Director, Natural Resources and Transition Practice, Aon

Communicating sustainability post-Election – expanding the narratives around climate and nature risks, and defining the most urgent challenges ahead

Mark Ellis-Jones, Energy and Climate Manager, Environment Agency 

Craig Bennett, Chief Executive, The Wildlife Trusts 

General Election Review of Energy and Climate Policy: public perceptions, and what’s next for the first 100 days of the new administration…
Rachel Brisley, Head of Energy & Environment, Ipsos

Prof. Mike Bradshaw, Co-Director, UK Energy Research Centre

IEA World Energy Investment 2024 - international energy transition stocktake
Emma Gordon, Energy and Investment Policy AnalystInternational Energy Agency

Therea Lober, Senior Manager, Climate Hub, Bank of England - moderator

Political and Market Risks to the Delivery of the Energy Transition, and Mitigation via Risk Transfer
Lesley Harding, Global Head of Energy, Liberty Specialty Markets

The potential of geo-political events to impact global business and transition delivery: how large multi-nationals might respond
Don McCarthy, Vice President – Growth and Sales, Jacobs ATN-International

Key goals for COP29: managing expectations, and defining what success would look like
Nigar Arpadarai MP, UN Climate Change High-Level Champion, COP29 Azerbaijan (*via videolink)

Challenges facing Eastern European Energy Security: dilemmas and trilemmas…
His Excellency Ferenc Kumin, Ambassador to the UK, Embassy of Hungary

> Political progress to date, and challenges ahead, for regional energy transitions

> Climate adaptation initiatives in the face of decarbonisation competitions and climate security challenges
CHAIR: Raphaelle Johnston, Market Analyst, Climate Intelligence Unit, Macquarie

Virginia Murray, Minister Counselor for Economic AffairsUS Embassy

Cyril Robin-Champigneul, Head of Policy Section, EU Delegation to UK

Closing Remarks   


Welcome, and NRI Industry update
Mark Popplewell, MD, Nuclear Risk Insurers 

New Nuclear Technologies, New Nuclear Territories: situation report on global nuclear expansion and its challenges
Dr Tim Stone, Chairman, Nuclear Risk Insurers & UK Nuclear Industry Association

Examining the roadmap of new nuclear power in SE Asia – nuclear liability in the region
Helen Cook, Principal, GNE Advisory (Australia)

Risk Briefings + Panel

The Evolving Risk Landscape - how Insurers are adapting to new risks, old risks and the of catastrophic risks, incl. how these play into Energy transition
Patrick Davison, Head of Underwriting Performance and SolutionsLloyd’s (UK)

The Promise and Peril of Nuclear Energy in a Climate Changed World – considering the direct and indirect risks ahead and questions this raises for nuclear expansion
Erin Sikorsky, Director, Center for Climate and Security (US)


The challenge of deploying new nuclear technology in support the energy transition
Andrew Champ, Country Director (UK), GE Vernova (UK/US)

IAEA 1st Nuclear Energy Summit in review: turning intentions into infrastructure to support the energy transition
Brianna Lazerwitz, Senior Energy and Climate Analyst, Planning and Economic Studies Section Department of Nuclear Energy, International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA (Vienna)

Plenary Discussion


Session One

Physical Climate Risks: global trends, scenarios, and the potential impacts of most relevance for strategic adaptation and resilience
Professor Jason Lowe, Head of Climate ServicesUK MetOffice

Examining Climate Risk Frameworks in the Context of Deep Uncertainty
CHAIR: Alexandra Bolton, Director, Climate Governance Initiative

Deep Climate Uncertainty & Decision-Making in Business
Dr. Mark Workman, Director, Foresight Transitions, & Imperial College London

Trends in Insurable Risks and their Criteria: international variance in responding to climate change through insurance and facilitating the energy transition
Michelle Radcliffe, Director, Climate and Sustainability, wtw

How corporates are planning for the transition: pressure-testing their approach to resilience
William Attwell, Director of Climate Research, Sustainable Fitch  

The importance of policy and regulation in de-risking infra investment: issues and uncertainties
Rowan Parkhouse, Director – Investment Team, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners 

Session Two

Reviewing public and private sustainable financing strategies in the context of trends in environmental change (PANEL)
Ingrid Holmes, Executive DirectorGreen Finance Institute
Dr. Nicola Ranger, Director, Resilient Planet Finance Lab, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford
Cath Bremner, Chief Strategy Officer, Impax Asset Management

The importance of Energy Infrastructure & Resilience in delivering the Transition (PANEL) 
Jan Bruland, Principal – Energy Practice, CRA International 
Philip Hoare, Chief Operating Officer, AtkinsRéalis
Viken Chinien, Head of Department, Markets & Risk - Energy Systems DNV 

Session 1:

Winter Review and a discussion of the broader energy transition – esp. the role of gas, the alternatives, and current challenges to these future pathways
Dr. Jack Sharples, Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

Investing in a sustainable UK transition – review of finance pathways and policy challenges ahead
Olivia Johnson, Head of Private Investment into Net Zero (PINZ), DESNZ

Transition Derailment risks: ways to manage a disorderly transition in order to avoid potential failures of delivery
Matt Pritchard, Sustainability Director, Baringa Partners LLP
Simon Sharpe, Director of Economics, UNFCCC Climate Champions

Rachel Solomon-Williams, CEO, Aldersgate Group

Session 2:

Reviewing the energy transition strategies of global upstream players
Munir Hassan, Partner and Head of Clean Energy, CMS

Supply chain and other risks to the deployment of UK renewables and key energy sectors from an end-user perspective
Richard Bodal-Hansen, Director of Regulatory & External Affairs, Ørsted UK

Risks to infrastructure organisations who are energy end users and enablers for wider decarbonisation
Rosa Rotko, Energy Transformation Specialist, Mott Macdonald

Optimising the UK’s demand side and deploying strategic customer solutions
Mark Apsey MBE, Managing Director, Ameresco
Rich Hampshire, Senior VP, CGI

Session 1:  Reflections on COP28, Implications for the UK, and Climate Security Uncertainties

Climate Change Committee sit-rep: priorities for addressing the UK’s climate challenges, and COP28 in context
Richard Millar, Head of Adaptation, Climate Change Committee

The emergence of derailment risks for global decarbonisation and the energy transition

Laurie Laybourn, Visiting Fellow, Chatham House

Emma Howard Boyd, Chair, London Climate Resilience Review (for panel)

Session 2:  International Climate Science: Data Indicators of Concern & Key Humanitarian Challenges

The European State of the Climate – key international indicatorsheadline points and advice for policymakers in 2024
Florian Pappenberger, Deputy Director General, EU Copernicus Climate Change Service

Reviewing Global Contexts for Climate Change: the Stakes for the South
Catalina Jaime Sanchez, Head of Climate and Conflict, Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre 

Session 3:  Climate Change and Geopolitical Risk

Challenges post-COP28: the Context of UK National Security and International Climate Change
Michael Collins, National Security Secretariat, Cabinet Office

Geopolitical uncertainties arising from environmental change
Matt Ince, Associate Director - Strategic Intelligence Manager, Dragonfly Intelligence

Session 4:   Climate Solutions and Financial Enablers: Assessing the State of Play post-COP28

The Importance of Sustainable Capital Flows – Strategic Requirements for Enhancing Risk and Resilience
Piotr Mahey, Senior Policy Advisor – International Finance, HM Treasury
+ Panel respondents

Labour Party Climate Policy Discussion
Rt Hon Kerry McCarthy MP, Shadow Minister for Climate Change, HM Opposition

Managing the ‘Messy Mix’: the role of oil and gas in the energy transition
Prof. Mike Bradshaw, Director of Energy, Warwick Business School & UK Energy Research Centre 

Comparing international perspectives on incentives for offshore energy development
Vanessa Jakovich, Partner, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer

Reviewing the Policies of a North Sea in transition – cooperation, competition and challenges 
Barnaby Powell, Head of North Sea Energy Strategy, DESNEZ 

OEUK Economic & Sustainability Update, and Industry Annual Review
Emily Taylor, North Sea Transition Deal Programme Manager and Acting Business Development Lead, OEUK

Developing regulation for an effective North Sea transition – strategic challenges and opportunities across integrated technologies and operations
Andy Brooks, Director New Ventures, North Sea Transition Authority

Update on pilot capture and storage in multiple jurisdictions: Project Greensand briefer
Abhi Kohok, Subsurface Director, INEOS Energy

CCUS as part of the UK Energy Transition: strategic policy enablers and stages
Jodie Fox, Head CCUS Optimisation, DESNEZ

Looking Ahead to 2024: Challenges and opportunities to support New Energy Solutions, & Potential Red Flags to Delivery 

Toby Uppington, Senior Vice President – Global Energy / Hydrogen Markets Lead, AECOM

Karly Wai, Lead, UK/I Energy PracticeAccenture

Welcoming Remarks
Mark Popplewell, MD, Nuclear Risk Insurers

Nuclear in the Context of Global Heating: update on the changing rate of climate risks and tipping points affecting decarbonisation goals
Chris Lambert, Chair, and Director, Westminster Energy Forum

New Technologies, New Territories: challenges and requirements for international nuclear expansion

David Hess, Policy Analyst and ESG Programme LeadWorld Nuclear Association

Raquel Heredia Silva, Programme Lead Leadership and Capacity DevelopmentWorld Nuclear University

Beccy Pleasant, Head of Nuclear Skills & Talent, Nuclear Skills Strategy Group

Regulatory and safety initiatives underpinning new nuclear technology deployment in support of global goals
Paula Calle Vives, Senior Nuclear Safety Officer, NSNI, Department of Nuclear Safety and SecurityInternational Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Nuclear Liability of Deep Geological Repositories
Elena de Boissieu, Legal Adviser, Division of Nuclear LawOECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)

Nuclear decarbonisation of the Marine sector and innovation in Floating NPPs
Mikal Bøe. Chief Executive OfficerCore Power

Session 1:   Market Evolution & Regulatory Goals - Enabling the UK Energy System towards Net Zero Objectives

Market evolution: challenges and changes required to transition the energy system
Frances WarburtonPartner - Economic Advisory, EY

UK Regulatory Review – Ofgem Net Zero Delivery and Networks Update
Rebecca Barnett, Direct of Networks, Ofgem

Gas winter outlook for the UK in an ever-evolving global market
Jake Tudge, Corporate Affairs Director, National Gas 

Challenges for Regional System and Network Operation
Sotiris Georgiopoulos, Director of Distribution System Operator, UK Power Networks 

Dan Hopkinson, CEO, Electralink

Session 2:    Innovation to Accelerate Energy Security & Decarbonisation

Demanding short-term energy flexibility – considering the welfare effects
Lucy Yu, CEO, Centre for Net Zero

Accelerating & integrating next generation renewable energy technologies: challenges facing the UK
Mark Sommerfeld, Deputy Director of Policy, The Association for Renewable Energy & Clean Technology  

Integrating major expansion of the offshore wind system – challenges of transformation
Jonny Boston, Business Development Manager, Offshore Wind, The Crown Estate

How space-based solar power could contribute to UK Net Zero and Energy Security targets
Dale Wyllie, Senior Payload Systems Engineer - OCE, UK Space Agency & Peter D’EathDirectorCGI 


Session 1 

UK Climate Risk Metrics in a global context
Prof. Richard Betts, Head of Climate Impacts Research, Met Office Hadley Centre

Catastrophic risk transfer options for the range of increasing climate impacts
Glenn O’Halloran, Head of Climate and Transition Risks, Howden Capital, Advisory and Placement

PANEL: Public-Private Sector roles in building resilience to mitigate climate risk:

The changing role of Green Finance in support of the Net Zero Transition
Ben Fagan-Watson, Head of Green Finance Team, DESNEZ

Enabling a resilient, net zero transition: the role of regulation
Mark Ellis-Jones, Manager – Climate Change & Energy, Environment Agency 

The financial sector’s emerging risks from climate change – and key levers to pursue to accelerate change
Sophie Heald, Senior Climate Specialist, Ortec Finance

Session 2

Global energy fundamentals and scenarios that may materially affect the deliverability of UK Net Zero goals - market uncertainties to watch out for…
Dr. James Henderson, Director – Gas Programme, + Energy Transition Research Initiative, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

Corporate perspectives and roles in delivering resilience - summary
Vanessa Harvard-Williams, Partner, Linklaters

Industry Perspectives on Risks to the Transition and Innovative, Integrated Solutions to overcome them and optimise Resilience    

Caroline Hargrove, Chief Technology Officer, Ceres Power

Prof Jim Coleman, Director of Economics, WSP


Session One

International energy transition uncertainties, opportunities, and implications for the global carbon budget 
Oliver Rix, Director - Energy Transition, Baringa Partners 

Climate impact scenarios – potential security gamechangers, implications for energy geopolitics and the social licence
Thammy Evans, Senior Research Associate, Climate Change and (In)Security Project, University of Oxford & CHACR, British Army 

Delivering the Global Transition - evaluating recent regional trade and investment initiatives, and their implications for Net Zero delivery 
Virginia Murray, Minister Counselor for Economic Affairs, US Embassy

Cyril Robin-Champigneul, Head of Section of the Policy Unit, EU Delegation to UK

Julie Scott, Head – Energy Diplomacy, Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office

Session Two

Delivering Resilience: industrial capabilities and requirements to meet a disorderly transition
Martyn Link, Chief Strategist, Link Advisory Services Ltd & Advisor, Resilience First (CHAIR)

Amy Barnes, Head of Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy, Marsh

Mark Neller, Director & UKEMEA Head of Energy, ARUP

Climate Science Global Update: potential inflection points to watch through to 2030
Prof. Dominic Hodgson, Leader - Ice Sheets and Climate Change Team, British Antarctic Survey

Opening Presentations

Reviewing UK’s Net Zero Energy Innovation Plan in the context of transition goals: key initiatives ahead
Damitha Adikaari, Director - Science & Innovation for Climate & Energy, Department for Science & Innovation

Preparing the skills sector in advance of the requirement for the key sector jobs materialising
Christina Horspool, VP Sustainability & Climate Action, Xodus XAcademy

Industry Bulletins Group 1

UK Energy Transition developments between now and 2050 – demand, supply, infrastructure and investment
Frank Ketelaars, Operations Manager for Energy Systems, UK & Ireland, DNV 

Developing the North Sea into a Net Zero zone – challenges of transformation
Jonny Boston, Business Development Manager, Offshore Wind, The Crown Estate

Hydrogen transformation at utility scale – challenges and enablers for business redevelopment and to enable diverse solutions
Hannah Bronwin, Business Development Director, SSE Thermal

Industry Bulletins Group 2

EU Energy Transition – alternate perspectives on renewable energy integration across Europe
Anser Shakoor, General Manager, GE Energy Consulting 

Silke Goldberg, Partner, Herbert Smith Freehills

Integrating energy systems - optimising climate change mitigation through innovation in placemaking
Lucy Wood, Director, Climate Solutions Leader UK&I, Stantec

UK Energy Transition: Engaging with Government and Support
Chris Bagley, Head of Clean Energy and Infrastructure, Innovate UK KTN


Systemic Climate Risks: emerging trends and value at risk – key vulnerabilities for corporates and investors through to 2030 and beyond
David Nelson, Senior Director - Climate Transition Analytics, Willis Towers Watson

Economic resilience in the face of climate change – current and future challenges for Central Banks (NB: under CH Rule) 
Theresa Lober, Head of Climate Hub, Bank of England

Disorderly Transition Risks: the geopolitical, carbon and commercial implications of differing global transition trajectories
Nicola Harris, Head of Energy, UK & Lloyd’s market, AXA XL

Catharina Hillenbrand von der Neyen, MD & Head of Research, Carbon Tracker

William Attwell, Director of Climate Risk, Sustainable Fitch

The latest Climate Science & Tipping Point Risks: leading indicators, opportunities to intervene, and Positive Tipping options still available
Prof. Tim Lenton, Founder of the Global Systems Institute, and Chair in Climate Change and Earth System Science, University of Exeter

The benefits of investing in resilient infrastructure - the Physical Climate Risk Assessment Methodology (PCRAM)
Nikki van Dijk, Global Head of Resilience, MottMacdonald

The Liability and Financial Implications of failing to mitigate climate risks in a timely manner - considering the incentives required to accelerate intervention
Wynne Lawrence, Legal Director, Clyde & Co

John Firth, Senior Director - Climate and Resilience Hub, Willis Towers Watson

Cath Bremner, Chief Strategy and Operations Officer, Impax Asset Management

Click here to access Ashurst's Hydrogen Interactive Guide. Helping clients navigate the evolving hydrogen strategies and regulations, the available incentives and major projects taking place in countries that are focused on this market. The purpose of the interactive map is to enable better decision-making with regards to investability in hydrogen around the world.

International Indicators & Issues - Panel 1

Global energy markets - current indicators and trends, and implications for the energy transition 
Matt Brown, Managing Director, AFRY Management Consulting

The status of German Energy Landscape
Mariko Higuchi, Deputy Head of Department for Economic & Global Affairs, Embassy of Germany

With response re. UK Energy Transition implications, from Katie Williams, Partner, Ashurst 

UK Indicators & Issues - Panel 2

UK Energy indicators sitrep
Tom Griffiths, Head of Energy and Security Analysis, Department for Energy Security and Net Zero

UK Net Zero appetite in a time of political and economic turbulence: the status of the social licence for the energy transition
Jose Argudo, Associate Director - Energy and Environment, Ipsos Mori

UK System & Security of Supply Review

UK Energy System – Review of Resilience of Infrastructure & Supply
Rich Smith,  Director of Energy Systems Management and Security of Supply, Ofgem  

Industry Energy Security Review Panel
Executive Chairman - Michael Burns, Partner, Ashurst

Guy Buckenham, Head of Strategic and Emerging Markets Policy, EDF Energy

Steven De Ranter, Managing Director, Interconnector Ltd


Reflections on COP27 and the key next steps to track during 2023
Alison Campbell, Director, International Climate, BEIS

Implications for the UK Government: priorities now for the UK’s carbon pathways
Chris Stark, CEO, Climate Change Committee

Sources of uncertainty in global warming projections, and the growing importance attribution
Dr. Friederike Otto, Senior Lecturer in Climate Science at the Grantham Institute for Climate Change, Imperial College London

Corporate leaders in the spotlight – approaching a tipping point of their own?
Beverley Cornaby, Programme Director, Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leadership

Managing deep uncertainty in the energy and climate space: the importance of collaboration
Michael Ruehle, Head, Climate and Energy Security Section, NATO

Environmental Risk Outlook 2023, and implications for politics, trade and investment
Will Nicholls, Head of Climate and Resilience, Verisk Maplecroft

The impact of climate change on global politics and human geography: How location increasingly shapes national perspectives and their strategic responses
Louise Selisny, Senior Research Associate - Climate change & (in)security project, Oxford University
Rebecca Nadin, Director of Global Risks and Resilience, Overseas Development Institute 
plus panel response by Scott Neilson, Partner, Allen & Overy

Welcome: Hussain Kubba, Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright

Session 1Upstream & Markets Review

Delivering net zero: The UK Continental Shelf in transition
Kristina Dahlström, Head of Policy and Strategy, North Sea Transition Authority

OEUK Economic & Sustainability Update, and Industry Annual Review
Will Webster, Energy Policy Lead, OEUK

European gas markets ahead of Winter 2022-23: EU supply and demand status in context
Dr Katja Yafimava, Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

Ukraine energy update briefer + ZNPP status
Chris Lambert, Director, WEF

Session 2:  Sector Diversification Issues & Briefings

Panel 1

Energy transition risks – reducing the cost and volatility of transitioning to net zero and unlocking opportunity
Euan Nicholson, Director, Energy Transition, Aon

The role of policy in effecting Hydrogen and CCUS industry transformations
Enrique Cornejo, Head of Industrial Carbon Capture Supply Chains, BEIS 

Panel 2

Opportunities to transform business operations in support of a North Sea Transition
Ekaterina Kozinchenko, Energy Transition Lead in UKI, Accenture

Infrastructure and technology opportunities for the UK’s New Energy Solutions – Hydrogen in focus
Hayleigh Barnett, Project Manager, Net Zero Technology Centre

Update on the status of the UK market for CCUS development and deployment
Alistair Black, Partners, Norton Rose Fulbright

Invite only - WEF network and in support of Nuclear Risk Insurers and the global Pools.

UK Regulatory Strategy – Net Zero Delivery and Update
Akshay Kaul, Director – Network Strategy, Ofgem

The Changing Role of the System for UK Energy Strategy & Security
Jake Tudge, Director of Corporate Affairs, National Grid Gas Transmission & Metering

Network Strategy: balancing centralised and decentralised powergen and storage to enable secure decarbonisation
Lynne McDonald, Programme Manager - DSO Readiness, UK Power Networks 

Technology & Data-driven Innovation for Optimal Energy Management & Accelerated Cross-Sector Decarbonisation
George Hackford, Energy & Utilities, Google

Delivering the Roadmaps for Carbon-Free Energy Driven by Technology & Industrial Innovation

James Wiseman, Senior Strategic and Economic Adviser, Jacobs

Mitigating risk in the delivery of new UK energy infrastructure – implications for Net Zero funding, infrastructure & markets
Robert GardnerRenewable Energy & Power Leader, WTW

Georgina Penfold, Regultion Director, Inspired Energy

Tidal energy for inshore – onshore zero carbon supply: accelerating progress
Martin Land, Director - Liverpool City Region Projects, Mersey Tidal

Unlocking decarbonisation through low carbon hydrogen
Andy Goodwin, Head of Hydrogen Economics and Markets, Scottish Power

Current Trends in, and the latest Economics of, the Energy Transition: Primary Risks & Uncertainties
Mike Bradshaw, Professor of Global Energy Business School, & Co-Director, UK Energy Research Centre
Gautam Mukherjee, Head of Gas Analytics, BP

Climate Risks: Trends in Capital Flows, Related Corporate Risks, and their Implications
Tara Schmidt, Sustainability & ESG Finance Director, Lloyds Banking Group
Andrew Herring, CEO, Energy & Power, Marsh

The Status of the UK and European Energy Markets, and the Imperative of Political Coordination
Sophie Westlake, Deputy Director - International Energy Unit, FCDO

Andrea Amelio, First Counsellor – Competition & Energy, Delegation of the European Union to the UK

Mariko Higuchi, Deputy Head of Department for Economic & Global Affairs, Embassy of Germany 

UK Energy Strategy & Sector Transformation – Challenges facing Industrial Delivery
Sam McKilligin, Director - Energy Transition, AECOM

Abhi Kohok, Subsurface Director, INEOS



UN Race to Zero progress to date, and the continued importance of a just transition
Fiona Macklin, Race to Zero Campaign Manager, COP26 High Level Climate Champions 

IPCC6 Mitigation – key outcomes and messages for delivering requisite near-term action
Prof. Michael Grubb, Bartlett School Env, Energy & Resources University College London, & Lead Author ‘Framing’ Chapter, IPCC

Net Zero risks in the context of the climate risks we are trying to avoid
Dr. Daniel Quiggin, Senior Research Fellow – Environment & Society Programme, Chatham House

Mitigating risks to low carbon investment and infrastructure – contingent capital flows, project insurability, and their limits…
Lesley Harding, Global Head of Energy, Liberty Group
James Pay, Partner - Energy and Resources Project Finance, Clifford Chance

UK Net Zero Strategy reviewed in the context of the UK’s COP Presidency and 2022’s disruption in energy markets
Chris Thompson, Net Zero Strategy Co-Director, BEIS  

Challenges for transforming for the UK energy system to deliver Net Zero targets in time
Rebecca Sedler, Commercial, Customer & Regulation DirectorNational Grid Ventures
Ruth Herbert, CEO, Carbon Capture & Storage Association
Margaret-Ann SplawnIndustry Advocate - Sustainability, Microsoft

Mitigating Energy Security Risks & Adapting to Climate Threats: Imperatives for a successful transition in the new world context
Julie Scott, Head – Energy Diplomacy, Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office

The importance of global nuclear power deployment – reviewing its current status, and recognising the strategic significance
Sam Bilbao Y Leon, Director General, World Nuclear Association

Nuclear New Build Policy – Contrasting National Developments in a Global Context
Dr Tim Stone, Chairman, Nuclear Risk Insurers & UK Nuclear Industry Association

Abdulla Ahmed Al Marzouqi, Head of Insurance, Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC)

Global Issues in Nuclear Safety - the role of inspection, innovation, regulation & insurance
Javier Yllera, Acting Section Head - Safety Assessment Section, IAEA

Neil Donoghue, Partner, Baker & McKenzie

Alain Quere, Head of Nuclear Energy Risks, Swiss Re


To view the recording of this event on Vimeo click here

Review of the UK”s Net zero Innovation Plan – challenges and opportunities ahead
Dr Mark Taylor FIMA, Deputy Director for Energy Innovation, BEIS

Hydrogen deployment and utility integration: UK growth prospects
Clare Jackson, CEO, Hydrogen UK

Long duration storage: delivering the missing piece of the energy transition in time
Mark Selby, Chief Innovation Officer, Ceres Power

Transitioning gas production: strategies for lower carbon intensity and diversification into CCUS & H2
Pierre Girard, Director of New Energy, Neptune Energy 

Developing the North Sea into a New Zero zone – challenges of transformation
Will Apps, Head of Marine Development, Crown Estate

Integrated new nuclear – blending technologies and diversifying deployment
Gus Hochschild, Partner, Energy and Utilities, PA Consulting

Renewables in the UK – trends and challenges in support of long term Net Zero targets
Maryam Adamji, Partner, Energy & Infrastructure, Linklaters

Integrating bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS): key strategic challenges & carbon considerations
Angela Hepworth, Commercial Director, DRAX

Energy from Waste with integrated CCS – supporting city scale Net Zero transitions
Tess Bridgman, General Counsel, Cory Energy


To view the recording of this event on Vimeo click here

Climate Risks and Decision Making under Uncertainty: Dynamic Contexts for Delivering the UK Energy Transition
Paul Monks, Chief Scientific Advisor, BEIS

Technology & innovation pathways for delivering the UK’s upstream transition
Martyn Tulloch, Head of Energy System Integration, Net Zero Technology Centre 

Innovation and Deployments Required for UK Power Systems & Networks Transitions
Hari Vamadevan, Exec Director, UK & IrelandDNV

Enabling energy transitions through integrated infrastructure development 
Mike Theobald, Director - Energy Transition, WSP  

An integrated approach to the deployment of future powergenstorage and capture technologies – delivery challenges ahead
Vivienne Chan, Director of Strategy, Doosan Babcock

Innovation in energy services and management: demand side developments for the decarbonisation of commercial infrastructure & organisations
Rob Wheatley, National Manager, Ameresco

Innovation objectives for decarbonising UK transport: near term targets for sustainable fuels and key projects
Simon Buckley, Zero Emission Mobility Lead KTN, Innovate UK

Winter 2022 BEIS energy security review, and energy security in the context of Net Zero requirements
Rob Hewitt, Deputy Director, Energy Security, BEIS 

Gas pricing & procurement – current pressures and strategic challenges facing UK & international energy markets
Dr. Jack Sharples, Research Fellow - Gas Research Programme, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
Andrew Walker, VP LNG Strategy, Cheniere Energy
Steven De Ranter, Managing Director, Interconnector

Carbon Market risks - implications for strategic sector investment and deploying transition infrastructure
Alba Fuentes Delpon, Manager, Climate Risk & Cillian Barry, Analyst, Acasta Risk
Filippo Gaddo, Head of Economics, ARUP

To view the recording of this event on Vimeo click here

UK's role in and beyond the COP26 year in support of International Climate Change Actions Plans
Kate Hughes, Director - International Climate Change, BEIS

Sustainable Capital and Risk Mitigation for Net Zero delivery – challenges and options
Claire Dorrian, Head of Sustainable Finance, London Stock Exchange Group
Lesley Harding, Head of Energy, Liberty Global Group 

Climate Change & Public Health – UK & Global Impacts, Trends & Options
Dr. Revati Phalkey, Head, Climate Change and Health Unit, UK Health Security Agency

Review of UK & Global Energy Transitions – progress, pathways and challenges
Dr. James Henderson, Director the Energy Transition Research Initiative, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
Nick Stewart, Partner, Baringa Partners
Jane Dennett-Thorpe, Deputy Director of Strategy & Decarbonisation, Ofgem 

Reflections on COP26, UK Net Zero Strategy and the path ahead
Chris Stark, CEO, Committee on Climate Change

Progress of COP26 policy pathways and goals for the remainder of the UK COP Presidency
Simon Sharpe, Deputy Director, Policy Campaigns at COP26 Unit, Cabinet Office

To view the recording of this event on Vimeo click here. Speakers timings are listed in the final PDF below.

Delivering net zero: The UK Continental Shelf in transition
Andy Samuel, CEO, Oil & Gas Authority

Living the Energy Transition, the greening of the North Sea
Mike Tholen, Director of Sustainability, OGUK

E&P Industry Transitions in the North Sea: reflections post-COP26
Arne Gurtner, Senior Vice President for UK & Ireland - Exploration and Production International Business, Equinor 

Decommissioning Considerations for the UKCS in light of Net Zero transition requirements
Minnie Lu, Director of Decommissioning, Wood

Government CCUS Deployment Strategy and Upstream sector integration
Alex Milward, Director - CCUS, BEIS

The essential elements for an investment in CCS - key global insights
Mark Wilkie, Carbon Management Director, Gaffney Cilne

Delivering offshore CCUS solutions – Transit and Storage potential in the UKCS
Christian Fjell, Director, Altera Infrastructure

Industrial Clusters and Hydrogen Production: uncertainties and opportunities ahead
Guy Philips, Business Development Manager, Uniper

Diversifying Onshore E&P into deep geothermal and hydrogen: a credible option?
Ross Glover, Development Director, IGas Energy

To download the recording of this event click here.

Regulatory Strategy Update – Net Zero Delivery and the role of the Networks
Akshay Kaul, Director – Network Strategy, Ofgem

Power Network Strategy: balancing centralised and decentralised powergen and storage to enable secure decarbonisation
Sotiris Georgiopoulos, Head of Smart Grid Development, UK Power Networks
Nina Skorupska, CEO, Association for Renewable Energy
Dan Hopkinson, Acting CEO, Electralink
Ivan Baldwin, Director - Business Development, Bechtel

Integrated Infrastructure Deployment: challenges across generation, transmission, microgrid deployment, storage and interconnection
Jon Davies, National Grid Interconnectors Operations Director, National Grid
Chris Leach, Environmental Planning Director, Stantec
Andrew McKenzie, Microgrid Lead UK&I, Schneider Electric
Steve Ross, Director – Hydrogen & Decarbonisation, Costain Group

COP26 one month to go: sitrep & preview
Matt Toombs, Director of Engagements and Partnerships, COP26

International Energy Diplomacy – Key UK & Partner roles for Accelerating Clean Energy 
Julie Scott, Head, Energy Diplomacy, Joint International Energy Unit Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and BEIS

The market uncertainties of energy system transformation 
Gareth Davies, Managing Director, AFRY Energy

The impact of a changing physical risk landscape: mitigating climate-related project risk
Andrew Herring, CEO, Energy, Power & Renewables, Marsh

Challenges in (re)directing the investment capital required for the transformations required for 1.5 degrees
Amanda Latham, Head of Policy & Strategy, Barnet Waddingham, and Chair, Stewardship workstream of the Investment Consultants Sustainability Working Group (ICSWG)

UK Net Zero Deliverability in the wake of UK policy announcements 
Tom Glover, UK Country ChairRWE; Sam McKilligin, Director of Zero Carbon Systems, AECOM; 
Kathryn Emmett, Senior Knowledge Lawyer, Slaughter & May

UK Trade - Energy system transitions at the heart of the Global Investment Summit, and maintaining the Race to Zero after COP26
Richard Simon-Lewis, Director of Business Development, Marketing and Communications, UK Export Finance (UKEF)

UK Energy Security – strategic challenges and opportunities in a dynamic world
Rt Hon Liam Fox MP, former Secretary of State for International Trade, and Defence, House of Commons

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The science basis underpinning the ambition for COP26: key markers and messages
Dr Helen Adams, Director of Science Engagement, COP26

Sources of uncertainty in global warming projections, and work underway to reduce uncertainty
Dr. Paolo Ceppi, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment, Imperial College London

Trends in the Health Impacts of Climate Change, and Resilient, Adaptation Strategies
Elena Villalobos Prats, Technical Office of Climate Change and Health, World Health Organisation

Restoring ecosystems to help manage climate risks: key imperatives
Tim Christophersen, Head, Nature for Climate Branch, UN Environment Programme

Ensuring energy system resilience during the net-zero transition
Caroline Field, Head of Energy Resilience, Arup

Sustainable Investability: the development and dominance of key ESG criteria and their strategic implications
Chris Dodwell, Head of Policy and Advocacy, IMPAX Asset Management

Corporate leadership: opportunities, goals and roles as part of the COP26 legacy
Eliot Whittington, Director of Centre for Policy and Industrial Transformation and Corporate Leaders Groups, Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leadership

Update on the key COP26 Conference Tracks (14.00 – 14.30 incl. Q&A)
Charles Ogilvie, Head of Strategy, COP26 Secretariat

Climate Vulnerable Forum: update on key themes from the South-South discussions and their importance for COP26 (14.30 – 15.00 incl. Q&A)
Her Excellency Saida Muna Tasneem, High Commissioner of Bangladesh to the UK

Climate indicators and warnings: update on global climate models  (15.00 – 15.25)
Dr Joeri Rogelj, Director of Research, Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment

UK Climate Change Risk Assessment update – briefing on 2021 Evidence Report
Kathryn Brown, Head of Adaptation, Committee on Climate Change (15.25 – 15.50)

Reviewing the energy and economic transition strategies of international energy producers (15.50 – 16.15)
Dr. James Henderson, Director, Natural Gas Research Programme, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies 

Climate Security PANEL: 16.15 – 17.00

The implications and uncertainties of climate change for global security and decision-making
Lt. Gen. Richard Nugee, Non-Exec Director, Climate Change, Ministry of Defence

The danger of climate as a threat multiplier – the case for Preventive Action to protect economies and smooth transition risks
Sherri Goodman, former First Deputy Undersecretary of Defense (Env. Security), and Chair - Council on Strategic Risks 

A Changing Climate - Defence response to climate change and strategic options
Ruth Harris, Research Group Director, Defense, Security & Infrastructure, RAND Europe


17.45 – close